Morrison Translation


Translation of Collaboration Horizontale, graphic novel, by Navie and Maurel, published in English by Korero Press 2019

Translation of City of Pleasure, art history, by Alexandre Dupouy, published in English by Korero Press 2019

Translation of Brexit XXL, political novel, by Vincent Pluchet, published on Amazon 2018


This graphic album from Europe Comics illustrates the history of extinctions on Earth with touches of quirky humour. 





ASLE Grant funding for a work of ecological significance 2020 

French Voices Award for translation of a contemporary novel 2020 

Gabo Prize for Translation 2021


Translations of daily EU news for Agence Europe

Translation and editing of articles and editorials for the journal The European Scientist

Translation and transcreation of websites, press releases and marketing materials in fields as diverse as Corporate Social Responsibility, dating sites, and graphics tablets.

© 2021 MM Morrison